Monday 28 October, 2019

Torrons Vicens wins the Catalan SME award

Turrons Torrons Vicens has been awarded the Catalan SME award in the first edition of the Catalan SME contest organized by La Vanguardia and Banco Popular, at a gala held on Monday, November 14 at the Llotja del Mar in Barcelona. According to the jury, the ability to inspire and generate value of the Agramunt company has been assessed, as well as its ability to innovate without losing the tradition that accompanies it since 1775. Torrons Vicens has been able to seasonally adjust the consumption of a product so far seasonal.
Torrons Vicens has been chosen the best SME in Catalonia, among more than 350 small and medium enterprises that were presented in this first call for the awards. In addition, they also awarded the best SMEs in Barcelona, ​​Tarragona, Lleida and Girona, as well as the best autonomous. These awards want to recognize the efforts of these companies in promoting their business through innovation and the use of new technologies, respecting the environment and with a clear commitment to creativity.